100% All Natural Certified Angus Beef
We are proud to offer grass-fed and grain finished beef for sale. We raise our cattle in the open pastures of West Texas, where they are free to roam, graze, and enjoy their natural diet.
Authentic West Texas Experience
You won't find any artificial flavors or fillers here. Just pure, 100% all natural certified Angus beef. All of our cattle are raised on native grass pastures and are 100% grass fed and grain finished with no added hormones or steroids. We keep an eye on each steer from birth to harvest to make sure they provide the highest quality of beef to you.
Our beef is:
- All natural ranch-raised beef
- 3rd party verified
- No hormones
- No antibiotics
- Grass fed & grain finished
- Registered Black Angus genetics
- Healthy beef made the way GOD intended
Tenderness & Texas Flavor
All of our beef is tender and flavorful because of superior genetics, and we are choosy about their feeds. Our beef is dry aged for 21 days which adds to the flavor. Then it is processed, cut, and frozen 24 hours before being boxed. All cuts are cryo packed and vacuumed sealed to ensure freshness.
Hand-selected cuts - you can't go wrong
We offer a wide range of premium cuts including steaks, roasts, brisket, ribs, and more! We have something for everyone — from the experienced to rookie chefs. We know you'll find the perfect cut for your taste preferences; if not we'll help you make a decision!

Safe NSC Beef Techology Processing
- NSC Patented Meat Processing
- All Boneless Cuts
- No Meal Residue
- USDA Inspected
- Vacuumed Packed for freshness
- Cleaner, Safer Meat
- High End Cuts
- Superior Flavor
- No waste, Optimized meat yields
Grass fed & grain finished beef
Our beef is grass-fed and grain-finished, which means cattle start out eating the native grasses on our ranch before grains are introduced into their diet. Grain-finished beef produces a higher degree in marbling which results in a better texture and richer taste. We never use any antibiotics or hormones in our food, because we care about the quality of beef we feed our family and yours too.

Feel good about what you feed your family
All our cattle are born and raised on the Covered S Ranch in Scurry, Garza and Kent counties. Staying true to the traditional ways of ranching with a few modern touches, we raise cattle in a humane way, with no added hormones or antibiotics. We use Black Angus Bulls that have high EPDS scores producing livestock with strong genetics. Covered S beef is processed locally in small batches and dry aged for 21 days for maximum tenderness and juiciness. Feel good about what you feed your family. Our Covered S Beef might just be the best thing that's ever covered your table.

A Family-Owned Working ranch
Covered S Ranch owner Chet Pharies grew up shadowing his granddad Don Hofman on the historic Bell Ranch in Tucumcari, New Mexico. As the ranch manager in the 1970s, Granddad Don and his wife Abby shared their cowboy life with the family, inspiring young Chet to dream of a life roping, ranching, and riding. In 2013 Chet realized this dream and more when he purchased the Covered S Ranch in partnership with his granddad, forming the CT Land and Cattle Co. As the next generation, Chet and his family have cultivated the tradition and heritage of operating and enjoying a working cattle ranch. They have skillfully incorporated modern-day technologies and conveniences while maintaining an authentic West Texas ranch experience for family, friends, and visitors. Their goal is to develop the Covered S Ranch as a get-a-way haven, an authentic cowboy experience, a hunter’s paradise, and a legacy that will impact generations.