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Feel good about what you feed your family, even in the chaos of back to school. Now's the time to stock your freezer with delicious 100% all-natural Angus beef from Covered S Ranch. Our special Back to School cut selection is limited and only available his month while supplies last.
Select-Cut Package includes:
- 1 Boneless Chuck Roast
- 1 Ribeye (2/Pack 1.5 lb)
- 1 Fajita
- 1 Chicken Fry (4/Pack 1.25 lb)
- 1 New York Strip (2/Pack 1.25 lb)
- 1 Filet (2/Pack .75 lb)
- 1 Top Round (2/Pack 1.5 lb)
- 1 Sirloin
- 10 Ground Beef - 1 lb/Pack 90/10
18 Total Packages 20.5 lb